Inquiry Management and Enrollment Automation

Marketing Automation for Enquiry Management and Enrollment Communications


Create a Personalized Experience with Automtion

We’re changing how international and independent schools approach their marketing and enrollment communications to create a nurturing family journey. In an increasingly competitive landscape, managing inquiries and creating a welcoming enrollment process is crucial to the family’s overall satisfaction and their successful transition into your school. 

Our inquiry and enrollment management automation services are designed to streamline these processes, allowing you to focus on what truly matters - delivering an outstanding experience to prospective families. Our solutions empower schools to exceed their marketing and enrollment goals by leveraging the power of automation.

What is marketing automation for schools?

Marketing automation utilizes software and technology to automate and streamline marketing and communications tasks and workflows, increasing operational efficiency and creating a personalized experience for families.

For international and independent schools, marketing automation encompasses a range of activities including inquiry management, prospective family nurturing, and enrollment communication strategies.

By strategically automating certain tasks, schools can ensure that prospective students and their families receive timely, relevant, and personalized information throughout their decision-making journey. This not only enhances the family’s experience but also allows marketing and admissions teams to focus on strategy and engagement, rather than manual tasks.

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How Marketing Automation Can Transform Your School's Inquiry and Enrollment Experience

A Personalized Experience

Automatically tailor communication based on the interests and behaviours of each prospective family and student. By personalizing your emails and messages, you mitigate information overload and improve engagement.

Improved Tracking and Analytics

Gain insights into the effectiveness of your marketing strategies. Automation tools provide detailed analytics on open rates, engagement, and conversions, helping you refine your approach continuously.


As your school grows, manually managing prospective family inquiries and creating a nurturing enrollment experience becomes unsustainable. Automation allows you to efficiently manage an increasing volume without the need to proportionately increase your staff levels.

Increased Efficiency

Automate time-consuming tasks such as sending admissions follow-up emails or enrollment communications, freeing up your team's time to focus on strategic initiatives and personal connection where it's needed most.

Consistency in Communication

Ensure that every prospective family receives timely and consistent brand-aligned messaging and information at every touchpoint, enhancing their experience and perception of your school.

Enhance Family Engagement

Automation goes beyond mere efficiency—it transforms how prospective students and their families interact with your school. By automating engagement touch points, from initial inquiry through to application and enrollment, you provide a seamless, responsive journey.


How it Works

Discovery and Goals

The process begins with a collaborative team meeting that includes marketing, communications, and admissions team members. We assess the current process, brainstorm options and  possibilities, and set the goals for automation.

Draft the Strategy

From that conversation, we determine the appropriate technology (you probably already have it!), draft a communications strategy, and diagram the necessary workflows.

Revise and Implement

You can expect two to three rounds of revisions to the strategy as we work together to create the ideal plan for your school. Once agreed upon, the emails, workflows, forms, contact lists, and landing and thank you pages are created in your school's software.

Test and Launch

Before launching the automated process to the public, there are several rounds of quality control testing by your team and ours to ensure any kinks are ironed out.

Train the Team

Implementing automation changes the way your teams do their jobs. Internal processes shift and it's critical that your teams understand not only what's happening, but also the why and the how.

Monitor and Revise

Marketing is about experimenting and then using the data to make adjustments to the strategy so you can do more of what works and less of what doesn't.



  • What is marketing automation and how does it work in the context of schools?

    Marketing automation for schools involves using software to automate marketing processes like student inquiries, email marketing, social media postings, admissions workflows, and enrollment communications. It streamlines these tasks to increase efficiency and allows schools to more effectively engage with prospective students and their families by providing personalized, timely information throughout the admissions process.

  • Can marketing automation help attract best-fit families and students?

    Yes, it can. By leveraging data and analytics, marketing automation allows schools to segment their communications based on specific criteria such as interests, behaviour, and demographics. This targeted approach ensures that marketing efforts are focused on individuals who are most likely to be interested in what the school has to offer, thus attracting the right students.

  • How does marketing automation impact the relationship between prospective families and the school?

    Marketing automation significantly enhances the relationship by ensuring consistent, personalized communication. Prospective families receive relevant information and timely responses to their inquiries, which helps build trust and confidence with the school. This personalized engagement makes them feel valued and increases their likelihood of enrolling.

  • How does marketing automation benefit the admissions team?

    Marketing automation frees up the admissions team's time by automating repetitive tasks and workflows. This allows them to focus more on strategy and on building meaningful relationships with prospective families. 

    Additionally, automation provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of marketing efforts, helping teams to continuously optimize their strategies.

  • Is marketing automation suitable for all types of schools?

    Yes, marketing automation is versatile and can be customized to suit the needs of any type of school, regardless of size or the age group of students it serves. The key is to implement a solution that aligns with the school's specific goals and to use automation tools effectively to enhance engagement and streamline processes.

Contact Maryanne Today

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